Coldplay: Thoughts?

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Hong Kong

    Smile Coldplay: Thoughts?

    Just some thoughts about the concert...

    -- started 50 minutes late. i mean, concerts usually start later than posted, but I might have been able to stay for the whole show if he started just 30 minutes late...
    -- seating plan. if they knew people were going to stand on chairs, why put chairs in the bowl at all? this is where i prefer the pit section of concerts in least everyone will be at the same height, and it is much safer to stand on the ground than the chair. am definitely buying the seats on the side next time...

    ++ sound was better than i expected
    ++ it was "cute" (according to my gf) that he got the lyrics wrong on Yellow
    ++ him breaking the law
    ++ pretty responsive audience
    ++ nice venue (though i have never been to the exhibition center in wan chai for concerts)

    and here is a partial set list (i had to leave early)..

    Square One
    Speed of Sound
    God Put a Smile on Your Face
    What If
    White Shadows
    The Scientist
    Til Kingdom Come
    Ring of Fire (Johnny Cash cover)

    then i had to leave...can anyone fill in the rest of the list?

    - bernard

    p.s. sorry couldn't make it to the meeting at the bar...didn't get there until 7:50pm.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    The full set list:

    Square One
    Yellow (best of the night!)
    Speed of Sound
    God Put a Smile On Your Face
    What If
    How You See The World (I think. I'm pretty sure it wasn't Parachutes.)
    White Shadows
    The Scientist
    Kingdom Come (Or the I broke the law in Hong Kong song)
    Ring of Fire (Johnny Cash cover...was good, but nothing beats Cash himself)
    Trouble (yeah!)

    Bunch of applause for about ten minutes before they came back on and did:

    Swallowed in the Sea
    In My Place (The Chris Martin Marathon Song)
    Fix You (That brought down the house)

    I think I would've liked seeing more of the band on was tough seeing them from the side and I can't imagine what people saw from the back...atmosphere was great, Hong Kong security sucks so much that Chris Martin actually had to give an annoucement out to people to sit down

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Hong Kong

    It's a very nice convert.

    - The venue is nice. Much better than in Wan Chai Exhibition Centre.
    - The sound is good. I think it's related to the venue as well.
    - The band's performance is great especially chris martin. (At least we know he've been to deep water bay. haha)
    - People's reaction is a bit shy at the begining, however as the show progress, the audiance's response are getting better and better.

    The only bad thing is no standing area. I don't understand why it would be a all seated concert. It's crazy to ask Chris Matrin to announce: (Please go back to your seat). Who cares? This would only happen in HK i guess.

    I give this show 8/10

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    yeah, the seating-concert idea was really's 'twisted logic' concert yet they never sang twisted logic...but it's nice that they sang songs from their older albums. i agree 'yellow' is the best! but would be more great if they had 'see you soon' being the last song...hehe