LOL, hahhahaa
Trebor, the whole membership thing in HK is a bit complicated. Some places it's about paying and others it's about knowing someone etc..
Here's my breakdown based on things I've pieced together.
Drop - helps to know someone (and I hate to say it) be female. I got membership with some of my female friends last year simply by speaking to the management. Other I've heard have had to pay for the privilege.
Prive - I believe you have to pay (something like 15,000 a year which you get back in alcohol?)
Dragon I - it's about who you know?
Mint - pay. About 6,000 from memory
Kee club - know someone (and pay?)
Feather boa - probably someone you know..(?) this place is somewhat notorious for being racist.
Volar - I have no idea. If anyone knows let me know - I quite like the music there.
Some people really get pissed off when they can't get in somewhere. On one view I agree - the elitism, materialism and looksism (?) around here etc is a bit sickening at times, but the thing to remember is not to take it too personally - often these places are just too packed. I lump it in as part of the HK experience unfortunately. (Just about everyone has been rejected at drop at some point hehe - myself included)
Thanks for the info, i got into dragon-i back in feb as my friend new a 'member' but didnt think much of the place.
Maybe ill try my luck at some of those places you list one weekend.
C, when are you coming down to HK? Volar is great - it has a House/electronic room and and R&B room.
I should add that with most (but not all) clubs you can often get in if you get there early enough, are 'presentable' and polite, even if you are not a member.
going early- i need my nap before going out!! =)
over here, i usually have a contact/doorguy that i know...or if i get to a place where i know no one, telling the door guy bottle service please usually works. unfortuntely this didn't work when i was at prive at 1.30am...(unless of course bottle service doesn't mean the same thing in hkg?)
i'm supposed to be there midjune- waiting on one of two options- i get laid off/nice severace pkg, or the firm that's taking over gives me a decent offer for the hkg office...if the latter occurs then i'm on their timeline, but from the looks of it, both eventualities = mid-late june time!