It might sound like yet another rant which it might very well be. But I am so pissed off at being brown skinned (pardon my french - inspired by "Who moved my Blackberry")
I have been in HK just for 3 months. All this while have been working weekends or pubbing (as distinct from clubbing) except for one weekend and today
And I have been so disgusted with the clubbing scene. I tried clubbing today (and one more previous occasion) and was amazed (with sadness) at the reaction. White girls actually jumped two feet if I tried dancing with them. And at the very end, even the Filipinas showed me the finger. Obv the Chinese girls wouldn't come anywhere close to me. Let me tell you, I was very decent with no lewd gestures. And I am tall dark (not very) and handsome (a my gf tells me)
And I actually earn decent amount of money
And prolly i'll need to change my id after this. But this suc ks