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Why is HK so racist ?

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Why is HK so racist ?

    It might sound like yet another rant which it might very well be. But I am so pissed off at being brown skinned (pardon my french - inspired by "Who moved my Blackberry")
    I have been in HK just for 3 months. All this while have been working weekends or pubbing (as distinct from clubbing) except for one weekend and today
    And I have been so disgusted with the clubbing scene. I tried clubbing today (and one more previous occasion) and was amazed (with sadness) at the reaction. White girls actually jumped two feet if I tried dancing with them. And at the very end, even the Filipinas showed me the finger. Obv the Chinese girls wouldn't come anywhere close to me. Let me tell you, I was very decent with no lewd gestures. And I am tall dark (not very) and handsome (a my gf tells me)
    And I actually earn decent amount of money

    And prolly i'll need to change my id after this. But this suc ks

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Depends also on where you went, I wouldn't say it was necessarily racist but without being there to see the surroundings and clientele etc.

    Sorry to hear about your experience but gladly not everybody is like that.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Hong Kong

    How about a pic?

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Gold Coast Marina

    I'm white and female - so never come across the brown/black skinned racism. But have come across some amazing sexism in asia (not too bad in HK, but try working in Korea!). There is NOTHING I can do about it (other than rant). So rant away. We cannot change them and it's their loss. Things will change as they develop and realise the rest of the work looks different, but it takes time. I'd build up a circle of friends who knows you and party with them - always better than complete strangers. Good luck!

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Hong Kong

    I'm Indian and fairly light-skinned. There are always going to be girls who don't want to dance with you, but I've had plenty of white/local/Filipina girls interested in talking to me here.

    The biggest problem with local girls is some of the prettiest ones I meet don't speak English well and my Cantonese isn't quite good enough (although it is a lot better now).

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    And at the very end, "even" the Filipinas showed me the finger
    Seems that not only HK is racist?

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Hong Kong

    HK is sure racist, but i think not as bad as it used to be, so things are changing.

    Like you, I'm of the brown variety, but the people I interact with are mainly Chinese. Most of my friends in HK are actually Chinese (well brought up abroad and have come back here).

    Strange you say that none of the white girls wanted to dance with you. That indicates that its just not the Chinese folk you were having issues with that night.

    I find the older people are more racist, rather than younger folk. Also bouncers of certain clubs are not fans of people of the brown variety (although they are actually brown themselves, oh the irony).

  8. #8

    Are you sure it's to do with the colour of your skin and it's not that you're just a cocky sod?

  9. #9

    Join Date
    May 2005
    Sai Kung

    Racism is racism, but let's be completely honest here. What you are describing can hardly be described as racism. I mean, come on, it's a club and people can dance with who they like, right?

    People have their own preferences and to say those preferences represent racism is starting to tread on dangerous ground. So if I'm in a club and trying to dance with, for example, an Indian girl and she wont dance with me she is obviously racist right? (even though I know the only reason she wont dance with me is cos she is a lesbian, right boys?............)

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Yes, it might have been personal style. They think you might be drunk. You look like you'd crush their feet or grab their _. Did you come on too strong? Sound desperate or whiny?

    Style is an issue when it comes to getting a dance in any part of the world. Or maybe the women there were not interested in dancing with strangers as their friends would put them down - it can be some of this.

    Racism exists and comes in many forms and can be clear cut or very hidden as in the western world if you go by behaviours. It is not just ethnicity that is a barrier, people with disabilities find it much, much harder everywhere to get work despite being highly qualified and educated.

    I know a systems salesman - local born and educated HK Chinese guy - who finds that it is hard for him to build cold call business relationships with local women in the 35 - 45 age group. I find it the opposite. That is the hardest group for him to deal with either on the phone or face to face when he arrives to meet their bosses.

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