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The new Star Wars trailer, what do you think?

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    The new Star Wars trailer, what do you think?

    Well, the new Star Wars trailer is out, so what do you think? Excited? Indifferent? Too early to tell? So far no sign of Jar Jar Binks (whew...):

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  2. #2

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    Hong Kong

    December 2015?

    Getting abit head of ourselves are we not?

  3. #3

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    The x wings skimming the lake whoohoo

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  4. #4

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    35 million views in 4 days

  5. #5

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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Cho-man:
    Well, the new Star Wars trailer is out, so what do you think? Excited? Indifferent? Too early to tell? So far no sign of Jar Jar Binks (whew...):

    no Jar Jar? Meesa feels sad!

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Ex Sai Kunger Sunny Qld for now

    I see that the Millennium Falcon makes an appearance in the movie, something they said earlier that they were not going to do. Nice one !

    I am hoping that this movie is a lot more grown up than past renditions, (it appears so) while still maintaining the wit between Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewy and Luke.

    I'm hanging out for this one. Hated the last Lucas Film productions, enjoyed the first 3 made from 1977 to 1981. I actually bought some 70's retro Star Wars t-shirts for my kids while I was in Holland ( such a joy to shop for cool (ORIGINAL) stuff I really like in the EU compared to HK ) I dont care that they cost probably 10 times the price of a Temple Street Knock off either.

    Good to see that Carrie & Mark will actually get paid properly ( This Time ) under the Disney arrangement, as they got really stiffed under George. If I was George, I would have put my hand in my pocket long ago and paid all of the cast of the first 3 movies (a lot more generously )he made and righted a wrong, considering all the $$$billions his movies and merchandise made. In my opinion, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill = Star Wars.

    Fingers crossed that this Disney's newly acquired Lucas Film version will be totally awesome, with a darker tone ( like Maleficent and the last two Star Trek Movies ) a more meaty and realistic version of the franchise. The CGI looks a lot sharper than Georges later movies, from what I can see in the trailer.

    JJ Abrams being a long term star wars fan, I reckon is a pretty good start, this movie could be something VERY special, giving Gen X star wars fans a totally satisfying, kick arse movie that George denied them.

    Lets hope this next trilogy of Star Wars Movies are what fans ( me included ) have been dying for .

    Last edited by Skyhook; 30-11-2014 at 03:40 PM.

  7. #7

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    Sep 2014

    Yes, JJ does seem to be a talented director with a real passion for Star Wars. We'll see how this will turn out, hopefully better than the prequels!

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  8. #8

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    Seems less elegant
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  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Ex Sai Kunger Sunny Qld for now

    I reckon that light sabre looks bad ass in a medieval kind of way. I also have a sneaking suspicion, that might be the protagonist character of the movie, which if rumours are true, is a female. Be it Jedi Knight, or Sith Lord, the weapon of choice is made by their owner, it becomes their signature weapon. That's always cool if they know how to use it and of course I am sure they will.

    I know Yeasty's sausage fingers couldnt help but to find something to snipe type about, but like most, if not all Gen X star wars fans, this trailer has given us a pretty big nerdgasm .

    Having most of the main characters from ep 4, 5, and 6, the Millennium Falcon, X wings, imperial tie fighters and ( likely ) a whole stack of cool new shit in episode 7, matched with todays awesome sound and video efx, skillfully shot/directed by JJ, with a decent story, ( heres hoping ) is just going to be sooooooo awesome !

    Having to wait a whole year for this installment is going to suck so badly, but it will be worth it !

    Last edited by Skyhook; 30-11-2014 at 11:53 PM.
    Cho-man likes this.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Skyhook:
    I reckon that light sabre looks bad ass in a medieval kind of way. I also have a sneaking suspicion, that might be the protagonist character of the movie, which if rumours are true, is a female. Be it Jedi Knight, or Sith Lord, the weapon of choice is made by their owner, it becomes their signature weapon. That's always cool if they know how to use it and of course I am sure they will.

    I know Yeasty's sausage fingers couldnt help but to find something to snipe type about, but like most, if not all Gen X star wars fans, this trailer has given us a pretty big nerdgasm .

    Having most of the main characters from ep 4, 5, and 6, the Millennium Falcon, X wings, imperial tie fighters and ( likely ) a whole stack of cool new shit in episode 7, matched with todays awesome sound and video efx, skillfully shot/directed by JJ, with a decent story, ( heres hoping ) is just going to be sooooooo awesome !

    Having to wait a whole year for this installment is going to suck so badly, but it will be worth it !
    You mentioned the millennium falcon and tie fighters (not to mention the X-Wings), that brings to mind one thing. I notice from the trailer the vehicle types and technology is almost stagnant (or changes only a little) from the original trilogy (despite a 30 year gap in the story between this sequel and Return of the Jedi), whereas in the prequel trilogy and the original trilogy, there was a big difference in the vehicles and spacecraft. Not saying this is necessarily bad in anyway, its nice to have familiar sights and sound.

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