UnBlock Tech Android Box

Closed Thread
  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    UnBlock Tech Android Box

    Is there anyone using the UnblockTech android box to access foreign channels?

    I have been using one (Gen 2 S800 PLUS model) since June which I bought for $HK 710 and have had a good experience with it apart from a system upgrade last week when it was unavailable for a couple days

    There are over 1100 channels and many foreign channels; I am really happy that I have access to many sports channels such as Sky Sports, BT Sports, NBA TV as well as the main foreign news channels

    I have also downloaded the TVMC add on as an additional source to get foreign channels and movies

    I would appreciate some comments about your experience with this android box

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    You couldn't have been using the S800plus since June since it only came out a few months ago. For the latter part of last year the latest model was the S800.

    There is a 50 page thread on this box here:

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by bdw:
    You couldn't have been using the S800plus since June since it only came out a few months ago. For the latter part of last year the latest model was the S800.

    There is a 50 page thread on this box here:
    yeah, you are correct, I meant Jan...........typo ................