I see it’s available to book from Thursday now, can’t wait to see it.
Does anyone have a view of the Yoho Mall imax in Yuen Long? Seems about the only place with decent seats now. Always found the imax in iSquare to be very good.
Watched the first 30 minutes and had to switch off.
Will try and complete it another time.
Apparently you’re supposed to watch it a few times
Yup we watched Tennet ( on our Ubox ) last Friday night, after being excited about seeing the trailer awhile ago, but must say, I ended up switching the film off about half way through and just could not endure any more. Glad I didnt waste money and effort going to the cinema like we originally had planned, as I would have definitely fallen asleep through it lol
The film was quite shit in my opinion and so hyped up in the trailer but fell flat on its arse as far as keeping me engaged enough to not switch off. Maybe I don't like this new breed of film being made of late,which made me feel numb watching it due to no love or interest in the the characters. The second film I have switched off midway this year, was The Old Guard, but I did manage to watch Project Power, all the way through( I loved Joseph Levitt in The Walk, he was just awesome in that film) but felt pretty Meh about PP.
All tip and no iceberg, with these 3.