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Star Trek: Which version is your favourite?

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2019

    Star Trek: Which version is your favourite?

    So, for any trekkies here...or just any casual fan/anyone who has watched Star Trek, which is your favorite version of the Enterprise?

    There is the very first one, the Constitution class Enterprise NCC-1701 from the 1960's original series. Then there is the refit Enterprise found in the movies of the original series from the late 70's to the early 90's. Others may like the Galaxy class Enterprise D or Sovereign class Enterprise E from the Next Generation. And then there is the Enterprise NX-01 from "Enterprise" and alternate universe Enterprise from the reboot movies. Not to mention the Enterprise B and C, those were only featured in relatively small roles.

    Out of all those versions, I like the refit Enterprise the most. I was first exposed to Star Trek through the movies of the original series. To this day, the Wrath of Khan and Undiscovered Country are my favorite movies.

    Now, which version of the Enterprise is your favorite?

    Also, what is your favorite and least favorite Star Trek movie or TV series?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Hong Kong

    The current star trek Discovery is notably "milllenial" in its viewpoints. Compared to the totally "me too" of.the original. It's fascinating how each interation reflects more our culture than any future!

    Picard and Reicher are my favourites. So "Next Generation".

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  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2015

    I liked Voyager, although I am in the minority.

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  4. #4

    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Beautiful Britain

    Give me any of the ships and any of the series!

    As far as series go Deep Space 9 probably was my least favourite and I struggle to watch the original series due to how 'old' it looks. But any of the films and other TV series fabulous.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    TNG is the best, without any doubt

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Hong Kong

    I was raised on TNG so have a huge soft spot for them. That being said, the JJ Abrams re-boot with Chris Pine, Zach Quinto, Karl Urban, etc are pretty well done with the exception of Beyond. I love Simon Pegg in general - especially from the Cornetto Trilogy - but I got the sense that Beyond was sort of a personal vanity project.

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  7. #7


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  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Ex Sai Kunger Sunny Qld for now

    For me I have a soft spot for the 60’s original series, as I grew up watching it nightly at 8pm. I am also fond of Star Trek The Motion Picture, which was my first trek cinematic release, Wrath of Khan also a favourite from my youth.

    As far as modern iterations of the Star Trek franchise, I’ve really enjoyed the last 3 JJ Abrams films especially on Blue Ray in 192khz Dolby Digital True HD sound and seen on our 100 inch screen. Totally kicks arse! I prefer watching stuff at home as most of me mates have those dumbed down tv sound bars which to me sound pretty uninvolving.

    My fave star fleet federation ship is the Dreadnaught Class USS-Vengeance, which is totally badass as far as StarFleet ships go in regard to its size,( double the size of the enterprise) firepower and that it can pursue/track/fire upon a ship while it’s in warp.

    Lately, I’ve been quite enjoying StarTrek Discovery, the first season didn’t do much for me, but season 2 has been pretty good, plus it looks and sounds great! But I do agree that it’s pretty overtly, Millennial in its flavour.
    just how it is I suppose. lol

    Last edited by Skyhook; 08-12-2020 at 06:38 AM.
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  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Taiwan and HK

    Original- old enough to remember my father watching it on the original air dates (not allowed to disturb him and only one TV in the house back in the 60's). This coincided with the space race and my father was working on the lunar module (LEM) at the time (as was half of Long Island).

    Only started watching it much, much later in life (reruns after college), nostalgia.

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  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Ex Sai Kunger Sunny Qld for now

    Back in the late 80’s when Star Trek The Next Generation started, I missed most of it due to rarely being home to sit down to watch it. I’ve maybe seen a handful of episodes of that entire series.

    Funny how times change and just how many tv series’s I have on the go during a typical week these days. Much better than watching telly on my old 4 x 3 ratio CRT Sony 27inch profeel monitor back then, compared to today’s 16 x 9 large screens. So much better in every way hahaha but then again, I also experienced what it was like pre colour television, when it was black and white until October 1975, my family getting their first colour TV in early 1976. That was pretty huge for me as a child!

    Coolboy likes this.

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