So, for any trekkies here...or just any casual fan/anyone who has watched Star Trek, which is your favorite version of the Enterprise?
There is the very first one, the Constitution class Enterprise NCC-1701 from the 1960's original series. Then there is the refit Enterprise found in the movies of the original series from the late 70's to the early 90's. Others may like the Galaxy class Enterprise D or Sovereign class Enterprise E from the Next Generation. And then there is the Enterprise NX-01 from "Enterprise" and alternate universe Enterprise from the reboot movies. Not to mention the Enterprise B and C, those were only featured in relatively small roles.
Out of all those versions, I like the refit Enterprise the most. I was first exposed to Star Trek through the movies of the original series. To this day, the Wrath of Khan and Undiscovered Country are my favorite movies.
Now, which version of the Enterprise is your favorite?
Also, what is your favorite and least favorite Star Trek movie or TV series?