Rockit Festival October 25 & 26

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  1. #1

    Rockit Festival October 25 & 26

    I'm a bit too young to be interested in any of the Harbor Fest events, and I'm not interested in Westlife shmuck... though Tatu might interest me - my girlfriend would kill me though.

    So I'm going to Rockit. Sounds like a whole lot more fun and there is food and a bar as well. It's a whole day event from 11am to 11pm and we get to party on the grass in Victoria Park.

    I've been to Big Day Out and it is a blast. If that was their inspiration then Rockit should be fun.

    And the Bands!

    Supergrass is awesome, Then there's Regurgitator from Australia. My girlfriend is into Salsa so we'll end up going both days - there is a huge Salsa band the Spanish Harlem Orchestra playing then.

    At night they have a dance tent with DJ Marky from Brazil... I can't believe they've managed to get such quality acts in such short notice - and keep the price down so low - $120 is a bargain. That's a couple or 3 beers in LKF!!!!

    Website is but there is more info at - press release in the Press section is where I found all this out.

    But no info on where to get tickets

    I think this event deserves a shot - they want it to be a regular thing - and to have the Big Day Out every year in Hong Kong would be awesome.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    I looked at their website and it looks rather "thrown together" (the website) at the last moment. Their press release is a PDF document which managed to kill my browser.

    Perhaps they're living in field of dreams... if you organise it people will come.

    Anyways, I've sent them an email asking for more information / schedules / ticketing details. Hopefully they will "allow us" to help them out.

  3. #3

    I just finished checking out the rockit website (thanx for the link ) and I have to say that it looks pretty exciting...Supergrass and Regurgitator-and thats just the beginning!

    If ur looking for more info check out today's SCMP in the city section p7 there's a two third page article that covers most of the details. Tickets are avaliable as of today from HMV stores (to answer your question, talented_fool), and at $120 I know I'll be picking mine up soon !!

  4. #4


    met the organisers of Rockit yesterday and they had their head switched on which was great news.

    From the sounds of it the event should be great, hope to catch all of you there!!!!!!!

    wooooooo hooooooooo!

  5. #5


    on another note they are going to fix up their website soon and send out more info of the artists, if I get the text version of the press release I will send it over to you shri :-P

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 2002


    Good stuff .. the salsa band has got our attention. Definately looks like we'll be spending a day or two @ the party.

    From what I'd spoken to you ... its pretty much going to be a music festival, outdoor events, food stalls, booze (?), bands, DJs, mosh pits(?).

    I think the problem was on my end.. going to try and reload their press release.

    Unfortunately they don't have much time to redo their website (if its going to be an annual event then its worth it.. if not ..).

  7. #7


    hello, there will be Asahi beer there as they are presenting the event. Hope to get the welsh choir a gig on the day who i sing with.

    Dunno about mosh pits. As it is the first event of its kind things have to be done very well for a rereun.

    11am to 11pm on the grass for 2 days sounds nice to me, stops me going on the net!

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Hong Kong


    Lets all go! Sounds like fun!

  9. #9

    Rockit updates

    Looks like Rockit updates their site all the time - there's new info about DJ Suv and Regurgitator since I last looked - and an HTML link to their Press Release is here - so all the guff is easy to find now.

    I poked around their corporate site - and these are the same guys who do Spy Magazine and the Valley Rugby Club party at the Seven's.

    This is going to be a fun weekend...

    Oh and Check out their radio station! About time too I reckon

  10. #10

    Oops - their radio station is here

    Spy Radio

    Funny - only Suv has a stream. You'd think they'd have Supergrass too.

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