Weird Eats..

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Boundary Street

    Weird Eats..

    I'm Chinese and I'm kinda use to eating some pretty weird stuff.
    Now most people here in the forum are not from Asia I assume, but working in HK, one must eat out with colleagues, bosses or clients in one way or another.

    So, anyone had some pretty strange food and want to share their experiences??

    This question came up because a few days ago I was in Macau. At dinner, one of the course is Turtle soup. Yes, turtle.
    It's a definite first. If you ever had chinese food, you will know that the ingredients are scooped up to a plate to serve seperately from the broth.
    I'm adventurous enough to try the soup, but the cooked turtle with the shell and claws intact I cannot handle!

    One friend ask " What did those cute turtles ever done to me?"

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    in a little hole
    Quote Originally Posted by Doorcrasher:

    One friend ask " What did those cute turtles ever done to me?"

    i ask myself the same thing each time i see a cow, a sheep, chook, pig (poor babe) etc...

    then, i guess once they are presented in a plastic tray, "we" don't see them as being a cute little lamb anymore, do we?

    he he he, sorry, couldn't help myself... woke up in an obnoxious mood.. no offence intended, really

    i like walking past the "stores" with snakes and cats and things in them, and seeing what looks like can only be menus on the walls..

    one of my mates at uni used to eat fertilized duck egss that had been incubated for 3 weks, he'd boil them whole and eat them, out of the shell with a tea spoon.. feathers, beak and all...

    until next time, chow down dudes!!
    Last edited by dropdedfwed; 05-02-2006 at 08:05 AM.

  3. #3

    Disgusting food

    I heard from my dad that dogs and cats were very good to health..

    Luckily it's not allow in HK! But I read that Chinese people consumed more than 10 million dogs per year.. poor doggies..

    Btw: I got some western friends who find Chicken Feet and all other Organs from pigs/cows disgusting. What do you guys think?

    Cheers, Blom

    PS: dropdedfwed - wish you a better mood by now

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by littleblom:
    Btw: I got some western friends who find Chicken Feet and all other Organs from pigs/cows disgusting. What do you guys think?
    Chicken feet is superb, love the stuff. Intestines are also very good too.
    You've got to try it if you haven't had it before, Hey maybe we should arrange for a local yum cha meet sometime and try thje truly different local delicacies!

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Somewhere in this world

    Nono, I find chicken feet and duck feet are really disgusting.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    in a little hole

    here's something to munch on...

    each gram of feces has over 10 to the power of 9 bacteria in it (well over that number...)...

    chicken feet, and intestines are thus in contact with huge amounts of bacteria. they are washed, cooked, and eaten...

    one question... does cooking and washing kill all bacteria? answer - no. cooking and pasteurisation at >70 deg kills most... but not even autoclaving at 121 degrees will be guaranteed to kill ALL bugs...

    even if you dont care about the bacteria, just think of the little pieces of poo poo ingrained in the flesh.. yummo.

    would you eat off a sewer drain valve if it had been washed and autoclaved? it would be cleaner than a bit of intestine

    pigs trotter, anyone?

    'Blom, i'm in a MUCH better frame of mind now... still just as obnoxious though!

    Last edited by dropdedfwed; 05-02-2006 at 12:08 PM.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Anybody tried steamed worms with eggs? It's rarely available in HK. Last time I had it in Macau.

    I eat anything except cats and dogs, and insects. Many years ago I met someone having a fever for 10 days in a hospital, because of eating dogs in China. As for eating fertilized duck eggs, a famous filipino specialty, mind you, the avian flu.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    I had quite a sheltered life... thanks to my wonderful parents.
    i grew up on meat and 3 vegs (one being spuds) for 18 years.
    friday day nights were fish and chips, saturdays were a roast, (chicken, lamb or beef) Sunday... was left overs... lol
    but it wasn't till i left home at 16... and shortly after plucked up the courage and walked into a chinese takeaway. lol
    my first dish was a sweet & sour pork.
    then took me another 10 years to try indan. mmmm... butter chicken
    and i was 29... when i on my first date with my now wife... i tryed sushi.
    and hated it... lol

    But several years later... sushi is now my faverite food.
    and i've tryed snake, frog, snails, pig intestine soup, live lobster,

    But still... i'll pass on the chicken feet.
    as i've done my share of farm work... and I know where those little feet have been. lol

    Anyways... we are all brought up differantly, with different cultures and beliefs. for example in some religons... you can't eat beef.

    If you were brought up eating... for an example... pinetrees as the staple food of your country, then thats normal. nothing wrong with it.

    So my view point is... theres nothing wrong with eating cats or dogs (just solong as its not on my plate, or my pet) if its the normal thing to do.
    or... theres no alteritive.

    If your stranded on a island with a dog, cat and chicken, and nothing to eat. the dog and cat geting hungry and want to eat the chicken... and the chicken is getting fat eating very small bugs you can't see.
    what do you do?
    and no... fish and coconuts not available.



  9. #9

    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Talking about poo poo. Have it ever occured to you oyster lovers that the green stuff inside the oyster that you love so much is poo poo? I learned about this a few years ago and had been abstaining from it until recently.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    I tried several stuffs with more or less success:
    Chicken feet; good ( the thai cooked one)
    Dog: good (tried twice never been disappointed)
    Turtle: good (tried once in Shanghai)
    Worms: not bad (tired several times in Macau)
    Snake: good (tired several times in Macau)
    Pig's brain; disgusting for me (tried once...burppp)
    Fish eyes: ok laaa
    Steam bad smell tofu: disgusting
    Fried bad sell tofu: great, love it
    and some others but cant remember now...

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