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Is older wiser?

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Gold Coast Marina

    Is older wiser?

    Since a number of (actually quite interesting and not at all insulting) posts, including one of mine, seem to have been deleted from another thread, I thought I would start one to discuss this topic explicitly.

    I was talking about getting older with a friend who is the same age, and we decided that while there are downsides (such as losing looks, gaining wrinkes and it being harder to stay fit/strong!) we were gaining on the mental side of the equation. More at peace with ourselves, more confident in our world view, more tolerant of other views - generally "older and wiser".

    What do others think?

  2. #2

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Pampanga, Philippines

    Certainly more experienced and I think generally, if you are open minded, that experience leads to more acceptance. But it does depend on the person. I was going to write that age would lead to be more easy going, less black and white thinking, etc. then I thought of a few of the older posters on here and that theory went straight out the window.

    In 2010 I would have said age was great was 53 but felt 29, but 2011 was a particularly shit year for me and I am feeling 105 not 54.

    P.S. why was the "rural poor" thread closed down? Were there a lot of posts deleted that I missed? As it stands now I can't see the reason for it being closed.

    Last edited by hullexile; 20-01-2012 at 10:12 AM.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    I think you might want to consider the possibility that your 13 year old angry, intolerant nephew has been hacking your account and posting under your name on some threads

    I know for a fact that my idiotic 8 year old niece with the sense of humour of a 5 year old frequently posts under my name.

    Last edited by dipper; 20-01-2012 at 10:18 AM.
    luckycat, Satay Sue, Mat and 2 others like this.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Kent, England
    Quote Originally Posted by hullexile:

    P.S. why was the "rural poor" thread closed down? Were there a lot of posts deleted that I missed? As it stands now I can't see the reason for it being closed.
    No idea. There were also a lot of banter-ish posts deleted on other threads too, editor said "Cleaning up".

    I've just got older and sillier.
    Kenner and justjoe86 like this.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Yup Editor had another clean up.
    Wish he understood what banter means

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Pampanga, Philippines
    Quote Originally Posted by Satay Sue:
    No idea. There were also a lot of banter-ish posts deleted on other threads too, editor said "Cleaning up".

    I've just got older and sillier.
    CNY is traditionally time for cleaning up and clearing out isn't it? Perhaps the Editor is just getting ready for next week?
    Satay Sue and SiuMaiTaiTai like this.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Clear Water Bay (In Da Jungle)

    time is money people, we dont have time for banter Ha Ha !!!!!!

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    I think it is what you have been through and what wisdom you have extracted from this experience, that requires intellect. So age is not the sole parameter but it increases the number of learning oportunities, unless you just stay at home.

    luckycat, Mat and SiuMaiTaiTai like this.

  9. #9

    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by MovingIn07:
    Since a number of (actually quite interesting and not at all insulting) posts, including one of mine, seem to have been deleted from another thread, I thought I would start one to discuss this topic explicitly.

    I was talking about getting older with a friend who is the same age, and we decided that while there are downsides (such as losing looks, gaining wrinkes and it being harder to stay fit/strong!) we were gaining on the mental side of the equation. More at peace with ourselves, more confident in our world view, more tolerant of other views - generally "older and wiser".

    What do others think?
    I think age, make you more "detached" in a way that you do not bother much with the little things in life and tend to focus on the more important stuff.

    When you are 13, if a boy/girl does not pay attention to you it's the end of the world

    when you are 20 if you do not belong to the right group of pp it's the end of the world

    when you are 25-30 if you are not IN, it's the end of the world

    Later on you actually start to be much more focused on the important stuffs (family, health...)

    I am not yet passed 35 so can't tell for after, but one thing I noticed too is that there is a huge difference between being for example 26 and grow so much in those few years (usually that means better job, a house, a marriage, a kid...), I did not believe it when I was 26 of course

    So in short, yeah agree with you Moving AND Morrison too (Some ppl have done way more at 25 than other at 40 so age alone is not the only factor of course)
    Last edited by Mat; 20-01-2012 at 10:41 AM.

  10. #10

    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Since the Editors are having a field day, I will get my two pennies in before it gets deleted. And for what it is worth - it was entirely stupid to delete the thread about the Jubilee. The sideshow with Mat was just that: a sideshow.

    I think that generally, age goes hand in hand with experience. Sometimes that doesn't happen though.

    Whether one converts this experience into good judgement (which is what I would define as wisdom) is a different matter. I don't think this happens often enough. I always hear "he is very experienced don't you know" and my thought is "yes, but is he any good?"

    That having been said, being wise does not mean being mellow. Most of the people I associate myself with have a lot about them. They will have their opinions on a matter (formed through their own level of wisdom), listen to others, but most probably still think that they are correct. In fact, most people that I know generally become less tolerant of others' views as they get older. I know that this is happening to me. I find that I have less time for people who have no opinion on something but still want to be heard.

    In my line of work, experience is everything. Every year means a nice pay rise and the ability to charge your client more for your time. The client expects better advice because of it. What more than often happens is that this mentality manifests itself into a culture of "I am older and therefore I earn more and therefore I must be a better lawyer". This is very dangerous. I don't think it is a coincidence to state that these lawyers tend to give pretty shit and uncommercial advice.

    Translating that work scenario to life, some people say things like "ohhh, you're so young, how would you ever know?" All it does is serve to be patronising. It is a weakness to rely on one's age as a reason that they are right and you are wrong. Like I said, people can be old but they also can just be stupid, too.

    Also, there are some other things that need to be considered. However wise you become, you need to be able to articulate it. I am not sure whether articulation is something that people learn or whether it is just a type of thought process that one either has or does not have.

    So, the answer to your question, Moving, is that age *should* mean more wisdom, but in a lot of people, their stupidity just manifests itself more and more.

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