Since the Editors are having a field day, I will get my two pennies in before it gets deleted. And for what it is worth - it was entirely stupid to delete the thread about the Jubilee. The sideshow with Mat was just that: a sideshow.
I think that generally, age goes hand in hand with experience. Sometimes that doesn't happen though.
Whether one converts this experience into good judgement (which is what I would define as wisdom) is a different matter. I don't think this happens often enough. I always hear "he is very experienced don't you know" and my thought is "yes, but is he any good?"
That having been said, being wise does not mean being mellow. Most of the people I associate myself with have a lot about them. They will have their opinions on a matter (formed through their own level of wisdom), listen to others, but most probably still think that they are correct. In fact, most people that I know generally become less tolerant of others' views as they get older. I know that this is happening to me. I find that I have less time for people who have no opinion on something but still want to be heard.
In my line of work, experience is everything. Every year means a nice pay rise and the ability to charge your client more for your time. The client expects better advice because of it. What more than often happens is that this mentality manifests itself into a culture of "I am older and therefore I earn more and therefore I must be a better lawyer". This is very dangerous. I don't think it is a coincidence to state that these lawyers tend to give pretty shit and uncommercial advice.
Translating that work scenario to life, some people say things like "ohhh, you're so young, how would you ever know?" All it does is serve to be patronising. It is a weakness to rely on one's age as a reason that they are right and you are wrong. Like I said, people can be old but they also can just be stupid, too.
Also, there are some other things that need to be considered. However wise you become, you need to be able to articulate it. I am not sure whether articulation is something that people learn or whether it is just a type of thought process that one either has or does not have.
So, the answer to your question, Moving, is that age *should* mean more wisdom, but in a lot of people, their stupidity just manifests itself more and more.