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  • 6 Post By hullexile
  • 3 Post By MABinPengChau

When social media is for good

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Pampanga, Philippines

    When social media is for good

    A bad news turned good story

    A story that went viral here. School girl selling flower bracelets outside a SM mall. Begging really but they do smell nice, often have ylang ylang. Trying to support her family.

    Security guard takes objection and decides to destroy her produce. She resists so he assaults her.

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    So a blogger friend of mine posts about it. Cue the haters. She is not really a student, fake uniform. She is not a child but an adult. She is part of a syndicate.

    But he didn't back down. Found a woman who already works to help the child's family.

    Connected her with a school who are going to give her a scholarship. He is working with SM to help the family.

    Meanwhile he is also asking SM for leniency towards the guard who has been dismissed. Give him more training.

    None of this would have happened without FB (and sympathy)

  2. #2

    He can't win - never looks good when a man fights a little girl.

    Given that he is holding that (rubber bullet?) shot gun he should never have gotten in a scuffle...

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Pampanga, Philippines
    Quote Originally Posted by Elefant&Castle:
    He can't win - never looks good when a man fights a little girl.

    Given that he is holding that (rubber bullet?) shot gun he should never have gotten in a scuffle...
    No it would be a real shotgun. Normal here.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Taiwan and HK

    My brother and his dogs were in a horrible car accident, car flipped, etc. Not his fault, driver ran a red light. One of his dogs ran from the scene, scared out of her mind. Brother didn't have Facebook but I posted her pic to some lost pets group in the area, the woman who took her in got into contact, dog and brother reunited. Then he got an account, told him also good way to advertise his HVAC business (one man operation).

    Amazing number of pets are reunited via social media. (Oh, and people reunited too...).

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2006
    Pampanga, Philippines

    So I ought to update this.

    The young girl turned out to be 18 (police) or 22 (Welfare dept). Doesn't look it does she. So the haters were at least partially correct.

    However she was not part of a syndicate and is a student on a medtech course. The family home was demolished, and she was selling the bracelets to help keep her family and for her studies.

    The Welfare Dept have given the family about HKD3000 equivalent as a start and are working with them. They were on welfare but that is only given if there are minors in the family so as soon as she turned 18 that was cut off.