To quote Dennis Miller from one of his old monologues..."I think a civilization that has the technology to cross thousands of light years has better things to do than shine a flashlight up Jethro's ass!"
...And speaking of the Vatican, this is absolutely hillarious, about halfway thru...
Those video clips are must sees!! I like Bill Maher and wow is he harsh on the Catholic Church and Magic Johnson and just about everyone. However, with a disclaimer that if you are Catholic or easily offended then don't watch them.
The Deliverance Pec Brothers is too funny too.
Maybe a bit off the little green men and God but you do have to give some thought to Maher's points about the "Bear Sterns of pedophilia".
I am a skeptic of intelligence life out there just because they always find the Jethro Maher mentions!
Ma broffer frum a diffrent muthher
The Raelian Movement: Intelligent Design for Atheists
It's amazing the dumb crap people swallow hook, line and sinker. Blind faith, isn't it a beautiful thing?
"The world needs ditch diggers too.."
Not to worry everyone....Orthodox Christians still have no love for ET...