McCain's VP choice?

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  1. #81

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    Jun 2007

    well, she is certainly not a great orator.

    It is so surreal to watch the sheeple cheering and waving flags as if voting once every four years actually gives them a voice. They feel good though...I suppose that is something.

    oh well...

  2. #82

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    Fo Tan
    Quote Originally Posted by zenlogo:
    I agree, I think her daughter's pregnancy has little to do with her ability to govern.
    The problem is she's a gun totin’, big oil, anti-environment, anti-abortion, anti-contraceptive, anti-sex education, inexperienced, pro war, Jesus cheerleader who’s under investigation for ethics violations.

    Not to mention that amazing fact that we now have a creationist who doesn’t believe in science running as number two ticket for the world’s most important leadership! It makes a total mockery of McCain’s “who do you want to answer the Whitehouse phone at 3 am?” ads. Certainly not someone stuck in the dark ages.

    McCain, who has been harping about inexperience, has amply demonstrated the real issue… poor judgement.
    Red dots, here we come.

    Exactly. Her daughter really does not matter.
    The rest of the stuff you mention goes down well in some areas of the US and badly in other areas.
    And I am thinking that this isn't the first creationist running for office in the US and she won't be the first one elected (if she is elected).

  3. #83

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    I haven't seen the speech but I have one complaint from the news reports that celebrate her family and the invite to the pregnant daughter and his self admitted 'f..k..g redneck' boyfriend. Yesterday, the young daddy got an extra pat for the media from McCain himself.

    Quite frankly if it were my son or daughter in a mess like these two young folks are in, I'd not be trotting them out as a show pieces any time soon. I don't mean to hide it but not give them a national stage like they have been given. I can see her daughter there, but this guy who just two days ago had stuff on the internet that suggested he was not open to children and all the rest that shows he is as immature as it gets.

    What message is this sending to teenagers with raging hormones and similar family backgrounds. All will be okay if you are in this mess when we know it might not work out?? There they are in the national lime light all aglow. Hmm.... While Palin preaches abstinence I am in the camp where these issues are accepted as different for each person and family and that they are not that cut and dried. It would be nice if it were that simple.


    The McCain machine is working hard to get out the bad news and get their spin on it- hey they reported the teen pregnant! They even got the CBN to get out the DUI against Palin's husband from 22 years ago with a wonderful story of redemption and lessons learned. CBN is the CHRISTIAN Broadcast Network which you would not think would be spinning stories like this or even be the first source for news that was half a life time ago for the husband.

    It worked that way when Cindy McCain got finked on for stealing drugs from her own charity. The guy who went to the FBI was then called an extortionist but he went to the police before launching his wrongful dismissal action.

    Last edited by Football16; 04-09-2008 at 02:10 PM.

  4. #84

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    Nov 2003
    Not friggin' Lamma no more!

    Some nice quotes from the day, especially Giuliani:

    "Change is not a destination and Hope is not a strategy."

    "Some politicians use change to advance their political career and others use their political career to advance change."

    "Difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull, a hockey mom wears lipstick."

  5. #85

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    Oct 2006
    Sarcasm - because beating the crap out of people is illegal

    "Why is Chelsea Clinton so ugly? Because Janet Reno is her father."

    Sen. John McCain, June 1998

    (Ms Clinton was just 18 and not in public/political life.)

  6. #86

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    The American public didn't get a rat's a** when Clinton got his rocks off in the White House, why should they judge Palin for what her teenage daughter has done?

    You going to hold a mother accountable for her daughter but not a President accountable for himself?

    Obama admitted to drug taking in his 20's. Why doesn't he get called up on that, an action he is directly responsible for?

    As for Palin not being a great orator, I think she did a great job. People need to get a bit of perspective. That was her biggest audience yet, she will get better. She certainly hasn't had the time (or probably the inclination) to spend her days talking to people about how America needs change. She's a doer, not a talker. We all know Obama can talk, can he act?

    I think what worries the Democrats the most is that the Republicans have snuck a woman in at the last minute and for all their pretending that they are pro women they cannot handle the thought of a woman actually taking the top or second top job. Really, how else can you explain Obama beating Hillary, a woman with real accomplishments and a political pedigree unmatched by any of the pretenders to the throne?

  7. #87

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    and I did mean to say 'pretenders', not 'contenders'

  8. #88

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    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by zenlogo:
    What her daughter has done?

    Her daughter is a normal teenager - whose mother will not provide her with sex-education, demands total abstinance, will not provide contraceptives and regards abortion as criminal.

    I don't think her daughter has any fault - or even any say in the matter.
    So why is she being attacked in the media? My point is, leave the kid alone.

    It's very naive and unreasonable of you to think that parent's alone determine a child's actions, future etc. If this were the case we would put parent's in jail when their children commit crimes.

    Research shows in fact that it is not one's parents that have the biggest impact on one's life but one's peers. In any case, I'm sure she knew the risks of having unprotected sex even if her mother didn't give her the talk...

    I am absolutely against the policies Palin espouses when it comes to sex, abortion etc but that's not what I am discussing here. I am asking why Palin should be held accountable for her daughter's actions when Obama is not being held accountable for his. What do you think is worse, not giving your daughter the sex talk or attending year in year out an all black, rascist church and snorting coke?

    Women get the toughest treatment in politics.

  9. #89

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    It doesn't get better for besieged Republicans. This is just like when the Dems Jesse Jackson suggested he'd like to cut Obama's nuts off which is likely what the Republicans want to do with their own consultant, Mike Murphy who got into this exchange in what he thought was off air commentary.


    Two conservative commentators on MSNBC, after they're off the air, say what they really think about the veep choice.

    Video - Noonan and Murphy on Palin - White House '08

    After a segment with NBC's Chuck Todd ended today, Republican consultant Mike Murphy and Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan were caught on a live mike ridiculing the choice of Sarah Palin.

    "It's over," said Peggy Noonan, who then responded to a question of whether Palin is the most qualified Republican woman McCain could have chosen.

    "The most qualified? No. I think they went for this — excuse me — political bullshit about narratives," she said. "Every time the Republicans do that, because that's not where they live and it's not what they're good at, they blow it."

    Republican consultant Mike Murphy chimed in:

    "The greatness of McCain is no cynicism, and this is cynical."

    Noonan's blunt call contrasted with her conflicted column today saying Palin "could become a transformative political presence."

    "The Sarah Palin choice is really going to work, or really not going to work," Noonan wrote. "It's not going to be a little successful or a little not; it's not going to be a wash. She is either going to be magic or one of history's accidents. She is either going to be brilliant and groundbreaking, or will soon be the target of unattributed quotes by bitter staffers shifting blame in all 'The Making of the President 2008' books."

    UPDATE: Noonan tries to explain her remarks, and says that what's "over" isn't, she meant, McCain's campaign, but that what's over is the truth to the belief that "whatever the base of the Republican party thinks is what America thinks."

  10. #90

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    Jan 2007

    What idiots. It never ceases to amaze how stupid people can be in front of a mic.

    Not that I could follow Noonan's argument anyway.. sounded like a line she's worked a few times but got the context wrong in this instance..

    Last edited by aussiegal; 04-09-2008 at 07:52 PM.

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