How child sexual abuse became a family business in the Philippines | World news | The Guardian
Glad I'm not in charge of trying to solve this problem...
How child sexual abuse became a family business in the Philippines | World news | The Guardian
Glad I'm not in charge of trying to solve this problem...
Yep truly awful but unfortunately far from a one off. Was reading a case of a 12 year old girl 'sevicing' up to ten men a night to buy the drugs for her parents. While I am against the death penalty and extra-judicial killings sometimes I woukd be tempted to pull the trigger myself.
So many things wrong with it. Just cant be bothered to type it all out. Too Angry grrrrr.
World is fucked up.
Really depressing and sad, indeed
find some help, before it's too late, people
A business only exists if it has least one of our members believes paedophelia is a sexual preference just like homosexuality...I doubt we'll see his face on this thread.
people who demand to watch the effin "show"!! if there is no demand, i believe the industry will be off by themselves.
the family who turned this into family business mainly because of the big money, big and easy money they thought. they never think about how it would affect their children in the future. they just need the money now to pay for their food. gosh!! i'm not saying those parents are doing the right thing either, they should feel ashamed for themselves too
I do so love to see their ad hominem tactics being used right back at them. Long may you prosper.
Almost worth a second coming, but I'll make this a quick drive-by. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a very common character trait of congenital leftists/progressives is a greatly diminished disgust reflex. Certain taboo things are just plain coded into us, excepting some defective individuals.
Interestingly you can spot the difference between congenitally warped progressive 'civilization wreckers' and those who are just 'bien pensant fellow travellers'...
The first category seem to be able to find excuses and justifications for any depravity. Incurable, and the patient only responds well to the rope + lamp post treatment.
The second category have to swallow their bile and lie to themselves on a daily basis to sail smoothly through depraved modern existence, but still can't quite manage to do this when it comes to the abuse of children. They lack commonsense, honesty with self and courage, but are still deep down decent humans. One can live in hope that some of them will eventually wake up and smell the coffee.
Last edited by Kinch; 31-05-2016 at 01:30 PM.
And then there is this retard ...
Hong Kong court finds American teacher guilty of molesting nine-year-old daughter | South China Morning PostA teacher who molested his nine-year-old daughter – claiming he mistook her for his wife, even though she was out of town – was convicted on Monday.
The American man, 59, whose name was not revealed in court to protect the girl’s identity, assaulted his daughter, referred to as X, on three occasions on July 22 last year, the District Court ruled.