Just needs a spark to set this on fire
Just needs a spark to set this on fire
The Philippines has cancelled the termination of the Visiting Forces Agreement with the USA, so American troops are allowed back on Filipino soil.
Would be interesting to know what the trade was, I am guessing vaccines and military equipment.
Duterte bowed to domestic pressure from the military as well I think.
Meanwhile there have been media reports of Chinese ships being chased out by the Philippine Coast Guard. I have a strong suspicion that was agreed to by the Chinese.
Yes there have been a few like that, every time the Chinese vessel leaves without confrontation other than using loudspeakers. Not wanting to downplay the bravery of the Philippine Coast Guard but it seems staged in some way to me.
The only other explanation is that after the Americans finally changing tack and saying an attack on Philippine ships in the Philippines EEZ would trigger US coming to the support of the Philippines means the Chinese ships are nervous about resisting.
As to enforcing the Tribunal decision, the Philippine Coast Guard versus the Chinese Navy? How many seconds would that battle last without American support?
Two approaches.
Liberal Party admin "superficial tough stance". Result Philippine navy fled Scarborough Shoal after secret negotiations and China built was it four artificial islands in Philippine territory. Philippines unable to control the massive Benham Rise. Americans say the disputed islands are not within the mutual defence treaty and so they will not intervene.
Duterte's " soft" policy. No.more artificial islands though existing ones developed further. Philippines takes control of Benham Rise and renames it Philippine Rise. Filipino fishermen back at Scarborough Shoal. Americans say the disputed islands are within the mutual defence treaty and so they will intervene.
Why do you think the former policy was more effective?
I know you prefer to ask questions than answer them but here is one for you (or anybody else).
You are the President of the Philippines in 2016.
You have no navy to speak of, and no fighter jets.
America has refused to commit to defend the Philippines in the South China Sea.
China is building islands in your territory and is denying fishing to Filipino fishermen.
What would you do? Avoid general, vague statements.