I have a couple of friends who were high up on the Intel food chain before they retired. I'll probably see them this month and I'm sure the state of their old company will be a topic of conversation.
I have a couple of friends who were high up on the Intel food chain before they retired. I'll probably see them this month and I'm sure the state of their old company will be a topic of conversation.
@mengfei - Hope you land on your feet however things shake out.
Worked for a small law firm owned by an ex Intel patent attorney doing contract work for Intel and IBM. Software cases, for the most part and miscellaneous inventions. Was not impressed with either company, seemed the patents were...random hit or miss, not any sort of focused portfolio development in the way I can see in other companies. A few things just a straight up waste of time but, hey, I'll write a patent application for you. A lot of jerks as well, surprising to me as I genuinely enjoy working with inventors, usually one of the best parts of my job. We took on some laid off patent attorneys, they were forever hiring and laying off patent attorneys so not surprised that no one had a clue. This was 2014 to 2016. Didn't make me want to invest, that's for sure.
Best of luck to you, mengfei, if you do semiconductor fab, well, pretty sure you and your skills are very much in demand, you will land on your feet.
Hope all is ok mengfei.