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Crime in the New Territories

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  1. #31

    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Thanks much appreciated. We havent moved in yet so i think i will ask the landlord to put some motion sensor lights around (and maybe some dummy cameras as a deterrent) and i always use timers to switch lights on and off when we are out. It’s more a case of something happening at night if i might be home alone but then i guess once they know someone is home then they disappear. Thanks for suggestions.

  2. #32

    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    You'll be okay. I lived in Hammersith 5 years...burgled twice...mugged twice. Hence relocating to HK. Here I can have a late night out and use public transport without the fear of getting stabbed.

    The Celt likes this.

  3. #33

    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Nice to hear. I lived in Bow and Bethnal Green before where I am now....should be able to look after myself! Maybe I am worrying for
    nothing. Thank for reply

    imparanoic likes this.

  4. #34

    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    South of Sweden
    Quote Originally Posted by Skyhook:
    It's not always 'illegals' from China. It's also, local construction workers while a house in the area is being renovated and foreign boat boys in town for a few days..
    Having lived on south Lantau in a village house - luckily we never got robbed - I asked our very nice and reasonable landlords to install a security door and they installed bars around the house and all, dog came later but they wouldn't want to have messed with the cat - from the police reports, it usually tends to be construction workers who look inside and observe what can be nicked and sold off, plus mainland Chinese have been known to come in via boat, under info given by contacts who are construction workers or tourists that look inside houses and observe comings and goings. The bulk of burglaries occur during holiday seasons. Also the use of drones to look inside village houses have been reported. Basically, take precautions. Robbers have been known to make their way up drainpipes - the thicker the better for them. Put doweling inside sliding door tracks, secure windows - never leave open at night. Also, keep TV on alll night but turn down the volume. I was up due to insomnia a few times when the police came around shining torches into houses but I kept the TV on, no noise. Luckily, the old guy next door was up at 2am till 4am potting plants outside our front door - his garden kept us safe. He was quiet and friendly, and it kept us safe.
    mryatt and Skyhook like this.

  5. #35

    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    South of Sweden
    Quote Originally Posted by mryatt:
    Thanks much appreciated. We havent moved in yet so i think i will ask the landlord to put some motion sensor lights around (and maybe some dummy cameras as a deterrent) and i always use timers to switch lights on and off when we are out. It’s more a case of something happening at night if i might be home alone but then i guess once they know someone is home then they disappear. Thanks for suggestions.
    Motion sensors are great but make sure that your curtains are blackout or you will be kept awake all night! Speaking from experience. Not everyone is out to rob you but just want to walk past as it is in their pathway. Any dogs outside or if you have a dog that is set off by motion outside, sensors can make it worse. Speaking from experience. I have boarded dogs that would make excellent guard dogs...but I do prefer my sleep.
    mryatt likes this.

  6. #36

    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by 1jimjim:
    HK is much safer than living in London.
    not just london, HK is significantly safer than the inner city area or areas of lower social economic group within most UK cities, Manchester - Moss Side, Birmingham - Lozells, Liverpool - Toxeth, etc
    The Celt likes this.

  7. #37

    Unfortunately, sorry to tell you, but it is happening. Just last month around the christmas season, I remember the news reported several break-ins around the sai kung area, good thing is no casualties for the tenants. As one person here suggested, get a big dog that means business.

  8. #38

    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    Hong Kong
    Original Post Deleted
    Seriously? In Hong Kong? A home invasion with people at home/awake is EXTREMELY rare in HK. Stop scaring people for no reason.
    juanalias and The Celt like this.

  9. #39

    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    I think having lived in london my whole life i will just act as if i am still here - although i am sure its much safer there given we have about 5 break-ins a month in my local area. I dont really care about the “stuff” as long as there is minimal risk to my personal safety.

  10. #40

    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by HK_Katherine:
    Seriously? In Hong Kong? A home invasion with people at home/awake is EXTREMELY rare in HK. Stop scaring people for no reason.
    It happens in village houses or low-rise buildings at night with people sleep. I don't know the numbers, but it's not "extremely rare". I know people who've had this happen to them.