I'm native Cantonese and mandarin speaker. Would like to improve my English.
Anyone who are interested in exchange English for my cantonese/ mandarin, please drop me a line.
my msn: [email protected]
I'm native Cantonese and mandarin speaker. Would like to improve my English.
Anyone who are interested in exchange English for my cantonese/ mandarin, please drop me a line.
my msn: [email protected]
Hi, I am a native English speaker and I would like to learn mandarin from you in exchange for English
I'll add u to my msn.
Hi, I'm a native English speaker and my Mandarin is also fluent. From NY, 26 yrs old, male. Having recently moved to HK I'd like to learn some Cantonese. If you're interested in studying together drop me a line at [email protected].