HELP - Japanese course wanted

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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    HELP - Japanese course wanted

    Hi there,

    I am planning to study Japanese (fr beginer level) after the Chinese new yr. Does anyone know where i can take such course in Whampoa? Thx.


  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Hung Hom

    Hi Maydee

    As I know you cannot learn in W. directly. But in Metropolis hall, also in Hung Hom, beside the KCR station, there is GEOS.

    They are teaching japanese. Quite expensive but good consultation and good teacher!( )

    I m native speaker japanese and German, living in Hung Hom as well. I can also teach or you can practice with me, if you want.

    Let me know ))


  3. #3

    Hi Nob,

    I am looking for a Japanese teacher for my 14 year old daughter. We live in Hung Hom Bay area. She studies Japanese at school in Australia in the last 2 years. She is fluent in English and she can also speak Korean, Cantonese and Putonghua.

    Can you teach her?



  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    There are a number of people in Whampoa and Laguna Verde who offer 1-1 Japanese tutoring. Perhaps you can ask around, or check the adverts at the grocery?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Hokuto:
    There are a number of people in Whampoa and Laguna Verde who offer 1-1 Japanese tutoring. Perhaps you can ask around, or check the adverts at the grocery?
    thanks for the advice have you seen any adverts around yourself? are they in places like jusco or welcomes?

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Discovery Bay

    I'm in the same boat. Studied Japanese as a kid and worked in Japan for a year now, planning to take either JLPT 1 or 2 this year.

    If you are a native Japanese speaker, would like to learn Cantonese or practice English in exchange for helps in Japanese studies, please let me know. I'm mostly going through JLPT past exam papers and need someone to explain my mistakes to me, or to help me with Kanji readings.

    Or, if you are also planning to take JLPT 1 or 2 this year, would you like to start a study-group?