I am a native Mandarin speaker looking to improve my English. I am working at HKU and I live very close to the university. Can meet after work Mon-Fri after 6 or during weekends.
Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested.
I am a native Mandarin speaker looking to improve my English. I am working at HKU and I live very close to the university. Can meet after work Mon-Fri after 6 or during weekends.
Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested.
Gx doesn't seem to like my J-text. Actually, everytime I posted something in Chinese or Japanese, it cuts off my message after the first line.
So here is the long and short of it...
Hello there,
I'm neither Japanese nor native-level J-speaker,
but I will be sitting both JLPT 1 and 2 this year.
I' looking for a study partner to go through past exam papers with,
discuss mistakes, grammar, etc etc.
Also interested in J-kaiwa (conversations in Japanese),
especially regarding current issues in Japan,
such as headline news in Mainichi/yomiuri/asahi shimbun etc...
Please PM if you are interested in starting a study group.
今年、JLPT1と2を同時に受けるつも なので
君と大体同じぐらいと思いたいんで 。
一緒に勉強したり、会話したりしま んか?
自分はJLPT過去試験などの練習をした 、
日本時事の会話をしたり出来ればい なと思っています。
Last edited by thisdress; 05-02-2009 at 10:15 PM. Reason: GeoExpat won't display J-text properly...
I am a native Eng speaker, who also teaches Eng Lit and Lang in HK. Let me know if you would like to exchange Mandarin for English.
Thanks for you message.
I have already found a language exchange partner.