I'm italian architect and I'm looking for improve my english.
I can change with italian dinner in sheung wan, italian language or with a few money!!! ahh but every time, having a good time...
I'm italian architect and I'm looking for improve my english.
I can change with italian dinner in sheung wan, italian language or with a few money!!! ahh but every time, having a good time...
Ciao Paolo,
Come stai?? Spero tanto che ti vada tutto bene.
I am learning Italian which is one of the most beautiful languages in the world, but it's still have a long way to go.
Would you like to teach me that in order to improve my poor writing skills and everything??
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best Regards,
Hi Patricia,
thanks, I'm good, and you?
I think that we can language exchange.
where are you from?
I'd like to help you in italian, but I need olso same help in english.
Give me an appointment, better at lunch time, or after 7pm. ( no tonight).
See you soon, ciao!
Hi patricia,
no news... Are you intrested to italian exchange???
Please let me know ...
See you soon
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Ciao Paolo,
Ma scusa molto se non ti ho risposto presto ma sono stata tanto occupato.
Possiamo vederci venerdi per pranzo o cena?? Fammi sapere se sei libero per favor.
Mi dispiace ancora
A presto
PS. Sono di Hong Kong haha
I'd LOVE to help you Paolo... alas I am not in Hong Kong. I studied Italian at uni because I am trained as an opera singer (though I am not a professional singer).
If you still want someone to help you with your English (I teach business English here in South Korea, amongst other things) in August or September, let me know and I will be happy to meet up!
Ciao Patricia,
don't worry, ma scrivi benissimo italiano!!! Brava!!!
Friday is perfect at lunch time, for me it will be' better around central, I work in sheug wan.
Grazie ciao a presto
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